I know you’ve been struggling with staying laser-focused on a daily basis, so I thought I’d share my #1 strategy on how I stay focused — and make things happen every single day!

This is especially useful for when I have a LOT on my plate and mind– almost to a point where I don’t even know where to begin!

Feel free to try my daily focused strategy today – and see if it helps you stay focused, too:


Step 1) Create a “Master Task List” on a Word document– and make a list of ALL the things you have in your head of what you believe you need to do today.

Step 2) Look at each line item on this document and ask yourself one question: “Does this absolutely, without a doubt, have to happen TODAY?” If so, highlight it.

Step 3) Then, grab a blank piece of paper, look at your calendar for the day, and write down the date at the top.



Step 4)  Map out your day on this sheet of paper, with the hours in the left hand column, including any scheduled calls, meetings, and breaks — and then insert the tasks that absolutely must be accomplished today during the hours you (ideally) have kept open for your priority tasks.

Step 5)  If there is any free time remaining, insert another priority item to your day from your Master Task List.

I also like to bring joy to this sheet of paper, as it represents one day in my life– by writing a word or phrase at the top that I will embody throughout the day.  My phrase for today is: “Just Believe!”

And – I love using fun colored pens to bring life to this paper.

By being present and focusing on just TODAY and each precious life HOUR, I am able to really enjoy my life on a daily and hourly basis.

Is this helpful?

I also love to hearing how YOU stay laser-focused on a daily basis!  Get in touch with me today! I’d love to hear your strategies (or biggest takeaways from this blog!)




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