May 1, 2018
  • 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 1pm PST (4pm EST), unless otherwise noted
  • Join calls live to get the most from them, ideally on video (to create connection)
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Announcement = BOOK A CALL, whatever you’re going through, and take advantage of the resources that are available to you


May 1, 2018

Watch the Replay #1

May 1, 2018

Marketing Mission Statement Training


Kate Robbins’ QUESTION: what do I book calls with when I don’t feel stuck, and maybe I don’t have numbers yet?
ANSWER from Ken = we’ll build it out backwards and figure out what needs to happen for you to hit your goals
ANSWER from Susan = accountability, encouragement, re-evoking that passion and spark within to line you back up with your vision
ANSWER from Amy = show up with “what would make this call a success for me?”
Today = Training call
Today we’re talking about Marketing Mission Statement (if you haven’t done it before, this is foundational to be clear on who you’re serving and how you help them. This evolves over time, so always come back to this.)
Questions to respond to to create (or up-level) your (unique!!) Marketing Mission Statement:
  1. Who do you serve? Who is your ideal client (we’ll go deep into this on a later training)? Who do you want to make a difference for?
  2. Of this ideal client that you have, what is their desired result? What do they want? If you don’t know, think of who you know who embodies your ideal client, then reach out to them and ask them what they want.
  3. What is your title?
  4. From your strong point of view, what are 2-3 core elements that you believe your ideal clients need to achieve their desired result?
    1. Create signature offering
    2. Know how to deeply connect with your ideal client both online and in person
    3. Know how to make an offer that’s heart-centered
PSR (Problem, Solution, Result) – this will help you master storytelling (your own or someone else’s testimonial):
What is their problem? What is their opportunity for growth?
What solution do you provide for them to get to their vision/desired result?
What is their desired result?


BONUS Questions, to take this a level deeper:
  1. What examples can you share?
  2. What do you want to become known for?
  3. If someone would refer a potential client to you, what would you want them to say?
  4. What’s in it for them? And why should they care? (Features vs. Benefits)
  5. What are the soundbites/builet points you want people to hear time and time again so this is what they think of when they think of you (or vice versa)
  6. Think about what your ideal clients’ vulnerabilities are – and use their own words in your communication with people
  7. What’s missing for you right now?


May Marketing Bootcamp (every single weekday in May 2018) @9:00am PST (12:00pm EST) on Amy’s FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/amyyamadaonline
  • When thinking about what you share, they get to be congruent to what you offer
  • Then when you have offerings, you can embed those by seeding them into messaging you use
  • Look at questions and sit with each question
  • Think of examples and stories you can share
  • What/who you are taking a stand for
  • Be clear on what your strong point of view is
  • Pop into the FB group page to share something and comment on someone’s update
  • Remember – DECIDE how you’re going to show up in this community, and show up to the best of your ability!
  • Post your Marketing Mission Statement in the FB Group for feedback!

Just ask yourself one question: Committed or Not Committed?

Amy Yamada, your business coach

Get In Touch

Contact Becca with any questions:


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 April 28 / 9am - 12 pm PT

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6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 May 10-15, 2021

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